Although I could live life as an expat but to do that, it would really defeat the whole purpose of travelling and living overseas. However, I am not an extremist, safety and good health are two things I will not compromise.
Uncle Zhou, he will be the one who will be helping us to move around in Shanghai during our three years here. I have requested that he bring us to a local market to have a look-see...
Really, you will never know until you have been there and done that. The local market is really not as bad as I imagined. In fact, food are pretty fresh. We bought some nice fresh figs for only RMB13.
One of the fresh figs. (Today, I brought the kids to the supermarket to buy two apples and guess what, both were rotten)
During these couple of days, I have learned that the Chinese pay very close attention to the presentation of their food...
Some of the dishes we had
And yes, you can see clear skies in Shanghai...
I have made a self-discovery...inside me, I am more of a country girl. DH said I have lived in the city for over three decades, how can that be. But looking back and recalling the past, I have always enjoyed my childhood life best when my parents brought me to the village where my grands used to live. My visit to the NZ farm was most enjoyable and of course, my one year stay at my American kampong house was the best experience I have ever had and attending church service at the hilltop was heavenly. Although there were inconveniences but there was a kind of joy, inner peace that are beyond words. I have told dh and Kai and Ann that my retirement plans will be to run my own famers' market.
Each journey is indeed a new discovery.