True love lost
岳母看女婿, a TV programme which I saw while channel-surfing. To translate it, it will read as “mother-in-law looking for son-in-law”. It is a Chinese reality show in which mothers are looking for potential partner for their daughters. There are ten mothers and the contestant is a male looking for a life-partner. He comes in and starts to introduce himself. He will be shown pictures of ten girls (the daughters) each is being represented by their mother. He will pick one out of the ten. Round one, after the introduction, mothers who are not pleased with him will back out by not pressing their buzzer. Round two, questions will be posed to the contestant. After the question and answer time, more mothers can back out if they want to. Round three, friends and colleagues of the contestant will sing praises of him. Mothers will then decide again, if they want to continue or back out. The last mother standing may not be the mother of the girl which the contestant has picked earlier. If she is not the right one, the contestant can “sell” himself to try to convince THE mother to bring him home to meet his favourite girl…..(yikes….)
In this programme, I can see that materialism is hitting its peak here. Questions asked by the mothers are…"how much do you earn per month?”, “do you own a house, a car?”, “does my daughter need to stay with your parents?" "I am sorry but your qualification is not enough”. It is pretty sad to see some guys who does not have very high qualifications but making a decent living being rejected by the mothers.
It makes me wonder…does it matter to these mothers if this man is rich and has multiple concubines? Where is true love?
“for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health”…. where have all these gone to? It is now, materialism at its peak!