Parents and teachers conferenceHad our first parents-teachers-conference. I am always thankful to God for sending these two gifts to us. I do admit that they are very challenging at times and I do feel myself aging by the seconds. The stress of looking after them, coaching them can be unsurmountable. I do need botox perhaps. Imagine, they are now both only in elementary stage. Then, there will be the pre-teens stage, the rebellious teenage stage, then the young adult stage....Lord, grant me, the gift of long-suffering.
I know the later years will be easier, if we train them well now in the fear of the Lord. So, Lord, grant me plenty, over-whelming wisdom.
The conference went very well. In fact, both their teachers spoke highly of them. Kai's FT (form teacher) did suggest to us that we may have a gifted child on hand. (Gifted may not necessarily be in the area of the academic field. It can be in other areas.)
Kai FT(form teacher) told us that he was hiding his book under his desk and reading during class .FT really thinks that Kai is a special need child - someone way above average, very smart, very intelligent and gets bored with class work. FT asked if Kai has been assessed for gifted programme and we told him what Kai said " I will purposely fail the test if I am ever going to sit for the test".
FT then went on to say that "only a gifted child will tell you that, I will fail to spike you!" (LOL) FT saw a great similarity between Kai and a gifted boy in his class two years ago and that boy was truly gifted. We really don't know how to help Kai...Every teacher has this "problem" with Kai.
Then came from FT, she is very independent, able to do her work well, fully understand everything that was taught, Chinese teacher said that her writing skills (bi hua)are strong. Her reading teacher said that her level should be 'C' but she has moved on to 'F'. I think she is going to follow her brother's footsteps.
Yes, we are proud parents of them but that also mean, we have alot of work to do. We must help them to reach their full potential and become man and woman of God. It will be devastating if they are stifled and instead of soaring like an eagle, they end up bumping around like a turkey. Therein, lies a huge task in front of us. Maybe, that's why God started sending us out of our comfort zone, to help us help the kids to soar like eagles!
"The character of your children tomorrow depends on what you put into their hearts today."