Now the Science paper is also postponed because the weather forecast said that the typhoon will continue for the next two days. So the city school council has issued statement to have all schools closed. Guess what?
…this is the weather we are having out there now. Does it even look like a rainy day, let alone a typhoon! Well…..
I can only remain positive and release positive energy to my dear son who has visibly reached saturation point for studying. You know, in economics, there is this thing call, The Law of Diminishing Returns. Basically means once you have reached beyond a certain level of work, the productivity level starts to slide downwards. There must be an end to studying so that one can rest, re-charged and soar again. As usual, instead of sitting here, waiting and reading mails with "will get back to you". I emailed SEAB personally to check when will be the rescheduled date. At least we have a date to work on.
With the impending repatriation and this rescheduled examination....only one word FRUSTRATING!