Kai spent 1 year in Henry Park and when he was in P2, he only stayed for the first term and we were relocated to USA for a year. At US, he was in grade 2 for 2 months and then went up to grade 3 and he didn't finish grade 3, we went back to Singapore and he went back to Henry Park P3 for 4 months, we were then relocated to Shanghai. In Shanghai, he went up to P4.
That is to say, Kai did not finish his P2 and P3. While in Singapore, we got a Maths tutor to give him a "crash course" on his P3 Maths as we know that will be a killer when he goes to the Singapore Shanghai International School.
Sometimes, I think and feel sad that Kai has to do all these ding dong-ing from country to country...I wonder if it is really fair for him. While he is here, so many times, he cried over his Maths and Chinese because they only offer higher Chinese over here and Kai is already so bad in his Chinese. Now, he has to handle higher Chinese, that really will is a killer. Sometimes, I also feel the stress from his studies cos' I am helpless especially when comes to his P4 Maths...so many times, I just blew it.
Finally, the mid-year exams are over and Kai (warning...bragging) tops his class in Science and English and Maths, he scored 80 and higher Chinese, he passed with a 52!
I was really touched.... all these nomadic life did not affect him, in fact, he went against all odds to give his best performance.
Kai chose the Singapore Shanghai International School although he was given the choice to choose other international schools. He could have have gone the easier way but he chose the more rigorous one.
I really hope this fighting spirit will stay with him for the rest of his life because he is going to need it so much when he steps into the working world.