One mother wrote this in one of the mama's forum...
classmate 1 :"Why are u in hurry? Hungry?"
son replied:" Oh, my mummy cooking claypot rice, my favourite. I am very hungry now."
classmate 1: "So good!"
son: "My mummy cookings very nice. I love my mummy cookings. She always cook our favourite food."
classmate 1: " My mummy don't cook. Only auntie ( the maid) cooks."
classmate 2: " My mummy worst. Don't know how to cook. Only packet home for us!"
son: " Everyday I want to go home fast. Everyday I want to eat mummy food. Your mummies so lazy ....."
It was a very innocent but sweet conversation among three small kids but I felt it spoke volumes of what our kids really want from us....
the latest Playstation
the latest DS
the latest XBox 360
the furthest, most expensive holiday
the best condo to live, the best car to sit in....
(of course, if mummy and daddy could afford all these, they will be happy too)
It is really very simple - time, love, fun and a good homecooked meal!
Talking about homecooked meals, I realised I haven't posted pictures of my culinary works for quite a while. This is because of the longer nights and shorter days. By the time I finished cooking, the sun was gone and with no natural light, the pictures would turn out awful.While there is sunlight today, here is what we will be having for dinner tonight...
Baked chicken!A recipe shared by a fellow mama. What I love about it is that it is not messy, not oily...just delicious and healthy cos' it is baked not fried! Yum-mo!
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