DH and I celebrated our 15th Wedding Anniversary at Macungie at the beginning of the year. Yes, we got married way back in 1994. That year was a year of never ending wedding celebrations. We co-ordinated many weddings for our friends and one of the couples just celebrated their 15th Wedding Anniversary two nights ago. DH and I were honoured and felt privileged to be included in their celebration once again.
We received their inviation via email...
"Colin and I would like to invite you all for dinner on 27 May (Wed) at 7.30 pm. Venue to be confirmed later. Just to thank you all for sharing and imparting into our lives for the past 15 years or more".
We were just glad to be home to share this moment with them. Yes, this was what we missed most when we were in USA. Friends gatherings, families gatherings...In life, nothing really matters more than our families and friends. People who know you yet accept you with all your lovable traits and flaws. You remember, when we were younger, we used to write those mushy lines to our friends...
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Friends like you are hard to find!
Run to the east,
Run to the west,
Run to the friend you like best!
Je t'aime, Friends Forever (this was my all time favourite)
(I am giggling away as I type them....) Mushy right, give you that goose bumps right...but don't you think that these are so essential in today's society where everything said to our loved ones have become 'voiceless'.
And in today's society where divorce rate hits all time high, able to attend and celebrate a wedding anniversary with our friends is something to be cherished.
Colin and Lee Fin's 15th Wedding Anniversary (the third lady on your left and the third man on your right). Cheers to them...and
cheers to all our friends...
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