He can really make me cry...

After sending Ann to school, I came home and was surprised to see these...

Kai went on to talk about this surprise...

"I heard the washing machine beep (when the washing is done, it will beep). So I took out the clothes and brought down the bamboo pole, clipped the clothes onto it but realised I had no strength to put it out to dry, so I left it there for you."

I was so touched. I thanked him, gave him a big hug and kiss and told him that some things are only meant for adults to do.

Yes, such little things in life make me very happy. I have always believed that the ability to handle the chores of life marks the maturity of a person.

Kai need not to be an A* student, he need not be a member of MENSA (of course all these would be extra icing on a cake) but as long as he grows up to be a sensible young man, having the abilities to conquer the challenges in life, I will be the happiest mum on earth and I know I have raise him up well. So...don't sweat the small stuff!


  1. Kudos to you and hubby for bringing up your two children to be sensible people and helpful too. Totally agree with your point that it is not just being brainy but to have life skills that will sustain them.

  2. Thank you.

    Indeed, survival skills are really important these days.
