Saw this notice...and I found it to contain so much truth.
Translated, it read, "parents are the children's first teacher. Your words and actions will affect your children for
the rest of their lives."
So often, we don't realise that our children are slowly picking up our habits and our actions. Quietly, they are observing our movements and listening to what we are saying. The good and the bad, our kids are taking them in...for example, Kai's habit of lying down to read comes from dh. DH has the habit of lying down to read and even when he is reading bedtime stories to him. So now, dh had to stop this habit. As for Ann, she has cultivated the habit of always wanting to munch something...yes, she got it from me. Often, I could also hear her 'lecturing' her brother, exactly the same way I did it to Kai. Sometimes, even word for word. I have to really be selective with my words, words which help to discipline with love and not words that belittle and discourage them.
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