I am on a dim sum course currently, so you will be expecting to see nothing but dim sum and more dim sum.
This is my fourth lesson and my shifu (teacher) has commented that I am getting better at kneading and rolling my dough. She has attempted to 'transfer' more kungfu to me but...I wasn't quite ready for it.
This is not a pair of chopsticks.
This is the ultimate weapon for rolling out dim sum dough. Not easy to handle
It helps to roll and turn the dough at the same time.
Of course, that's not me doing it but I must master it before the end of my course
When I was doing these two dishes, I knew I would be feeding two very happy men at home. Dh and Kai simply adore these dishes.
Guo-tie (pot sticker) and lou-bo-kao carrot cake.
Each time dh and I talk abut Kai loving carrot cake, we are always reminded of this story.
When Kai was about to turn three, we went on a vacation to New Zealand. Beside our hotel was a Chinese restaurant. One day, we decided to hop over to have dim sum. As usual, when we order dim sum, we never fail to order Kai's favourite carrot cake. So, we told the owner that we wanted carrot cake. The owner apologised and said that they have ran out of carrot cake for that day. They only had the frozen ones that needed time to thaw, steam and then fried. When Kai heard that, he burst out crying...with his red eyes, red nose and stream of tears flowing down his cheeks, he did look pretty pityful. The owner was very amused by him and actually went back to the kitchen to whip out a plate of carrot cake for Kai.
Ingredients for the carrot cake and the steamed version
The fried version. Look at the generous fillings in it. During Chinese New Year, I always ordered from Crystal Jade and it cost a bomb. Now, I know how to save some money!
My pot stickers. Not too bad looking. The secret of frying the dumplings...the bottom fried but the top steamed
Ta-dah...Shanghai gua-tie made by Singaporean
Look at the soup inside the dumplings. What we eat back home usually doesn't come with the soup
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