I am referring to kids in SH. Why is China rising up so fast? They are people who are not afraid of hardships and it starts from young...
Rain, wind, sun or snow...come what may, that's how some of the kids get to school.
Young girls like this one, manages a seafood stall in a wet market
This has been an eye opener for Kai & Ann. As they witness first-hand how kids in other world live. I try to make use of every opportunity to teach them to appreciate what they have. Just to correct your perception (if you have been having a wrong one) Studying in an international school is not going on a honeymoon for the kids. In fact, homework is a whole lot much more and not forgetting... higher Chinese to cope, journals to write, book reviews to do, projects to hand up...although, running dry myself, I try as much as I can to be the fort for the kids and I thank God for them, so far, they have been coping very well.
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