Yes, I cannot say enough of my this little son. If this proves too much for you to handle, you can skip and move on to the next post because this is all about a mama's bragging.
Kai is a very intelligent boy but lazy and careless. To him, as long as he finishes his work, nothing else matters. He is so careless to the extent that there was once, he left out a full page of questions unanswered! He never draws a line with a ruler and no, he is not those who can draw a straight line. His idea is always, "a line is a line, nevermind if it is not straight, it is still a line". That's why, his sequence of strokes in writing a Chinese character is seldom correct. To him, the word is correct, so let it be. That brings us to his handwriting. They are untidy. Sometimes, it is good that God sends us "difficult" people. They are put in our lives for a purpose. Kai's Science teacher once made him erase all his wirtings and rewrite again. She also made him erase his lines and redraw them with a ruler. Oh, thank God for her because that made him change considerably. I thought she would made him dislike Science but no, he went on to top his grade for Science during the mid-year exams and again for the final year exams and with an improvement in his grades too.
Before his exams, I set a target for him and that was to come home with 3 A* and a B (for Chinese). I told him you must always aim high, at the end of the day, even if you don't hit your target, it is alright at least you have tried your best to achieve them. And he went for the kill. He came back with 2A* 1A and 1B and a trophy!
For a boy who is so sentimental, I must say that he did extremely well. He shifted from Singapore to US to China. You know every move for him was very difficult. He missed his friends, he wondered why the family must always be on the move. Inspite of all these, he excelled in his studies. Perhaps, these changes in his life have matured him. Sometimes, tough times push a person to his limit and therefore he excels. And I think, Kai is such a person. Even in the area of his Chinese, he has shown vast improvement. I thank his Chinese tutor but he was right in saying that Kai, himself also put in a lot of hard work. 夏凯自己也下了不少功夫!
We live in a society where children as young as two are put into all kinds enrichment classes and tuition classes to prepare them for primary school. I am very proud to say that we chose not to do that to both of our children. We always felt that they deserve to have a happy childhood. Childhood is all about discovering and playng and having fun and looking back, that was a great thing to do because leaving them to grow and bloom at their own pace is the best for them!
Mama's pride
My words of wisdom to my two children (and even to myself) is..."soar like an eagle and don't bum around like a turkey and end up on someone's dinner table. Have you seen an eagle at a dinner table?" They always laugh but they knew what mama means...
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