Recently, I see a change in Kai's reading genre.
Kai used to love adventure, sci-fi, mystery, detective books. Basically those boy-kind of books. I have been urging, nudging, encouraging him to move out of those books. To read books that he could draw some life lessons from. He kept pushing them off, finding them 'boring'. Not that I find Percy Jackson, Narnia, Hardy Boys etc...bad. I just wanted him to widen his persective in life. After a long time, I finally see him stepping out of his comfot zone to try new things.
Last year, his class teacher shared with them, Ann Frank. He was very keen to get hold of the book. It is really not easy to find English books here and even if you do, you would probably be paying a lot more for it. Well, they do have an alternative but usually they are those popular trash novels, at least, to me.
Finally, we found it at a foreign bookshop. Kai read the Dairy of Ann Frank, something out of his usual genre. That was last year. After that, he was back to his usual books, then I went again, doing what mummies do best....nudge, nudge, "they are more nice books you know!"
Beginning of the year, his English teacher encouraged the class to read Totto-chan, The Little Girl at the Window. Just at the right time, we were heading back home for the Chinese New Year and we got hold of the book. For the last couple of months, he has read Wee Kim Wee, Glimpses and Reflections; Mitch Albom, For One More Day; George Orwell, Animal Farm and even William Golding, Lord of the Flies (scream)....I could see that he is beginning to enjoy books of a different kind. These days, he will always ask me what book am I reading, is it nice? I guess my own reading habit has also a part to play.
Sometimes, stepping out of our comfort zone is a good thing. The first step is always difficult but once the first step is taken, you will soon find out that the new zone, although not very comfortable, it is much nicer and richer.
This week, Kai came home with a book borrowed from the school library....a kiddy book by his standard
"Why did you borrow this?"
"Easy reading and got pictures mah!"
If you are a parent or teacher reading this, remember never force your kid to do something, never shove knowledge down his throat. Encourage, motivate and most of all, walk the talk.
The other Mitch Albom's books are good too - Tuesdays with Morrie, The 5 people you meet in Heaven. You can also consider classics like Jane Eyre, The Secret Garden or how about the Agatha Christie's crime solving type?
ReplyDeleteThanks for your recommendation. I have the other Albom's books, let's see if he will pick it up. Jane Eyre is a girl-book, he said :p. Yes, I forgot about Agatha Christie, must go hunt it down :)