I started using this phrase when Kai was facing extreme difficulty in doing his Higher Chinese. You see, we are a English-speaking family. Since he was young we have exposed him to many books but we made the mistake of not introducing him to Chinese books at the same time. The love for English books was very strong but he was lacking behind in his mother tongue – the Chinese language. When he was in P1, he totally has no interest in Chinese and he was just doing the Normal Chinese. To add to his problem, he had an almost-to-retired Chinese teacher who was not very interesting and motivating. When we were relocated to Shanghai, the Shanghai Singapore International School only offers Higher Chinese. Kai has no choice but to do it and it was extremely difficult for him. Seeing him cry while doing his Chinese homework was really upsetting for me during those early days.
I reminded him that crying is not going to solve his problem. He has to overcome it. Kai, being a very visual boy, giving him illustrations will help him see things better. I used the eagle as an illustration…how eaglets learn to fly. The moment they overcame their difficulties, they would soar high up in the sky with their huge majestic wings. I also reminded him of how Grimble, pushed and shoved Soren and Glyfie to fly in the story, Guardians of Ga'hoole. I kept on pounding this fact into him and of course never under estimate children’s power to absorb information…little Ann sitting by the side, listened to every word I said. Today, Kai isn’t a top student for his Chinese but he has indeed come a long way and has improved tremendously. He can be left on his own to do his Chinese work. Occasionally, he may need some help. Credits must go to his P4 Chinese teacher who never gave up on him and his tutor who comes in once a week, by the way, this tutor had a Phd in Chinese Medicine...free consultation! He has graduated and left Shanghai and thank God, He never fails to provide. I found him another excellent tutor. I have seen her teaching Kai...very passionate lady.
Reminding him not to be slothful too. Look at turkeys, they bum around and what happen to them….end up as someone’s Christmas dinner. The kids always find this funny...cos' no one eat eagle!
When I saw a picture of a soaring eagle, I just had to paint it for the kids, to help them remember what I have taught them...
This was my second painting. The kids loved it
When I first brought it home, I asked the the kids what was it all about?
Kai said “soar like an eagle”
Ann completed it… “soar like an eagle, don’t bum around like a turkey”
I am very glad that they remember the lesson well. The painting is now hanging in the family room, everyone love it more than I do.
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