The boys (two sons of a good friend) first did their Lego motion picture. I showed it to Kai and Ann and it inspired them to embark on something similar. During their vacation art lesson, there was a field trip to an animation studio, with all these new ideas flooding their little minds, there must be an avenue to release their energy. They started on this project together. It was fun for them and us. They wanted to record their dialogue. The kids asked the spouse and I to keep very quiet while they work in the study room. It was fun listening to their speeches and shouting and laughing…the little moments of the joy of parenthood.
They first started creating a scene and took pictures of them. A total of 300 plus altogether, here are some of them.
The whole set-up
Using instructions from e-how they created their first "motion picture".
Mama proudly presents…
Sometimes, long summer vacation is good. It gives them time to work on things which they never have the time to do during school days. For kids back home, the mid-year and year-end holidays are great time to try this out. (They did some thing special to their names, see if you can spot them)
Now they know that a one-second advertisement involves days of hard work!
p/s: they decided to delete their voices because they think the music is much 'cooler'.
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