I am feeling disgusted…
I bought them from a reputable supermarket. The packaging said it was BEEF. Came home, felt them, smell them…yes, they were beef. The moment I cooked them, they became these
Do they look like beef to you?
Then I remembered reading these some time back…
An additive that lends pork the taste and appearance of beef has turned up in Shanghai after media exposed restaurants in Hefei, Anhui Province, using it. The beef extract additive is sold in Shanghai and used in restaurants to make fake beef, local media reported. Cooking raw pork for about 90 minutes with the additive gives the meat a beefy flavour. A 500-gram bottle of the beef extract sells for 20 yuan ($3) and is enough to flavour about 25 kilograms of pork. Pork is about half the price of beef, which means potential savings of over 1,000 yuan per 25 kilograms of meat if the substance is used. The additive is widely used to give instant noodles a beefier flavour, Fang Youzong with Advisory Committee of Shanghai Food and Drug Administration, told the Global Times.(The Global Times)
Of course I threw them away.
I am glad that I have been feeding my family with more homecooked meals than outside food. Kai is extremely sensitive to food taste. He will definitely be able to tell the difference but Ann, she is very much a foodie and an adventurous one too. I really have to educate her more. The school cooks their own lunch and they do have beef every now and then. Pray, pray, pray!
What do you call such hybrid? Poef or Berk?
"For the love of money is the root of all evil" (1 Timothy 6:10)
贪 财 是 万 恶 之 根 。 有 人 贪 恋 钱 财 , 就 被 引 诱 离 了 真 道 , 用 许 多 愁 苦 把 自 己 刺 透 了 。(提 摩 太 前 書 6:10)
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