Ann is seven today. Yes, she is born on Thanksgiving Day and indeed it is a day to be thankful for.
When I saw myself almost hitting the big 4 and still no sign of baby number two, I had almost given up hope. I remembered telling God that He has to bless me with my second child before I turned 40…and He did. Since then, it has been a joy having her…and her brother.
Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass. (I Thess 5:24)
召唤你们的上帝是可信的,他会为你们成全此事的. (帖 撒 羅 尼 迦 前 書 5:24)
Through the years…
Birthday celebration at Hooters!
Mini cuppies for her classmates and all kids love a goody bag!
Oreo birthday cupcakes. The teething birthday girl!
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