Hokkaido, Japan (Part I)

I was away in Sapporo, Japan with the spouse and two kids. Yes, in a way, helping them in small little ways to boost their economy. Like in the past few visits, we were again warmly welcomed. There is something very special about the Japanese, like what I told a fellow mama…

What did the Japanese do right? They are such a gracious lot. From every aspect of their life and being. They portray such beauty in their simplicity. They are in political and economic turmoil… yet, the people could carry on with their lives with no fear or anxieties. (At least, they didn't show it) 
At the airport, energy has to be conserved due to the crisis. Air-con was turned down, lights were dimmed. No one complained. When they felt hot, they just made use of fans that were placed at various places to fan themselves. These were not electric fans, they were manual fans, those that the satayman used to fan their satays while grilling them. Of course, in every country, there are the good and the bad. In general, the Japanese are really a class of her own.
Some people said that the triple crisis was retribution for the bad deeds the Japanese soldiers did during WW2. I think people with such thoughts are immatured.  If that was the case, what about the Asian tsunami in 2004 which killed more than 100,000 people across Asia. So what did they do to deserve that? What about the big Sichuan earthquake, Hurricane Katrina…the list could go on. Sometimes, it is best to go through a deep thinking process before making a statement.

Truly, when you  live, walk and eat among gracious people, you too feel and behave like one of them.
Welcome to the world of gracious people…

This was the ryokan (traditional Japanese inn) which was our home for one week. The Nakamuraya Ryokan

A little living area, followed by the bedroom. This is one of the biggest ryokan in Japan at the most reasonable rate

A mini tea ceremony to welcome us

Green tea with chocolate mochii! The kids enjoyed the fun but papa and mummy enjoyed the food!
Honestly, a visit to Japan is never complete without a stay in a ryokan with the traditional Japanese welcome.

Adult's breakfast, kid's breakfast. There were free flow of rice and miso soup. A rather unique way of eating breakfast. Travelling is often about experiencing new things.

This is an old warehouse converted to a shopping mall…

The Sapporo factory (shopping mall). It is amazing how they blend the new and the old without destroying the old.
This is the Sapporo city and the Sapporo JR station. Always stay within walking distance to any JR station. You will never go wrong, trust me!
The Hokkaido cows, producing the best Hokkaido milk and cheese
The Asahiyama Zoo. Look at the awesome view from the entrance of the zoo. I don't mind staying at this zoo!
The kids called this the white afro bird. Now, how often do you get to see goats locking horns.
A seal and an ugly octopus. Don't you think it looks like that ugly monster in Star Wars….hmm what its name?
Every move you make, I am watching you…
That's Kai standing side by side with the "bear". Those horns are not light. It is amazing how deers could run so fast with them stuck on their head.
God created them that way. Light wise, our burden will never be heavy if we entrust them to God.
Ever wonder why they are called Japanese crane? Kai thinks it's because of the red patch on their head. I do agree
What's this little thing trying to do?  The giraffe was that close to us. It was not zoomed in. Only in Japan, animals can get so close to humans.
My favourite bird. It would have been a great shot without the cage.
Another angle from the zoo. Such magnificent sight, I honestly wouldn't mind picking up poo at the zoo.

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