Best words I have ever heard...
It has been an extremely stressful week. Don't anyone come and tell me a stay-at-home-mum's (SAHM) life is boring and "what do you do ha?". I promise you, I will give you a kick on the butt! Well, of course if you are one who spend time at nail bars, shopping malls, nibbling cookies and sipping tea while engaging in small is a different ball game all together. Then, you are not called a SAHM but a TTM (tai tai mum). Accoding to wikipedia, tai tai is a Chinese colloquial term for a wealthy married woman who does not work!

I had a phone conference with one of Kai's teachers. This is to save some time for the actual Parent-Teacher Conference Day. The teacher was giving me a brief report on Kai and his work progress for the past six months. A big jump from P4 to P5 but he still managed to produce good results. However, what made me most happy and almost brought me to tears was his teacher telling me...

"Kai is a smart and intellectual kid. There are many smart kids but not many are intellectual. On top of that he is also philosophical. However, I must compliment Kai for one good quality - although he is smart and he knows he is smart but he still mixes around and play with kids who are not of the same level as him. He doesn't see himself as superior than the rest and not play with them. I have seen some kids like that, they are smart and therefore don't play with a certain group of kids. But with Kai, no..."

The best words I have ever heard from a parent-teacher meeting regarding Kai. Kai may score straight As or be a top boy but nothing makes me happier than to know that he treats all his friends equally and he does not look down on others. I am very happy that dh and I have left a legacy in his life. We have never asked our children to be saints or angels or Mother Teresa but we have always instill in them kindness towards people. To treat all as equal. DH and I have always greeted the sweepers, thanked the cleaners who clean up after us, have friends from all walks of life.... With this feedback from the teacher, we know that it has rubbed on to Kai and in time to come, we pray that Ann will also pick it up.

Well done, my son!