Little Ann
I must stop calling her little Ann. She is no longer little. Although young at age, she could sap up all my energy. A very active girl who always needs some kind of activity. She could also be very challenging as she has a mind very much of her own. She is never afraid to walk on her own, away from the usual crowd. Sometimes she ignores instructions and does things her own ways. If it doesn't work out, she faces the consequences and if it does work out, she will say, "I told you so!" Inspite of a very tiring daily schedule, Ann sometimes says the darnest thing to put a smile on my face.

Just the other day, I gave Kai my share of meat. Kai is a carnivore so he always welcome more meat, never complain about the extras. Ann turned to her brother and said, "see mummy loves."

There were also times when after a nice homecooked meal, she would comment, "what a great feast!" Even if it is just  simple porridge with fried eggs. Every nice meal is a feast to her. Such comments always push me to new heights in my cooking and baking. I am always trying out new dishes, some turn out good, some not so good but the beauty of it all, if I don't try, I will never know what is good. I often use this as a lesson for Kai and Ann, to always push themselves beyond their comfort zone.

So you see, education is such, we learn from each other, regardless of our age. Don't ever undermine your kids.

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